Student Attendance

Students at Parkway West High School are


Parkway West Students do not miss more than nine because they want to learn and not fall behind!


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law and Board of Education policy (in Board Policy #204) require that all children of “compulsory school age” who reside in Philadelphia County attend school regularly.  In addition to regular attendance, it is expected that students are on time to school.

When it is necessary for a student to be absent from school, to have the absence coded as “excused,” it is the responsibility of parents/caregivers to, within three (3) days of the student’s return to school, provide a signed, dated note indicating the reason(s) that the student was absent.  If a note is not presented to the school within this timeline, the absence will be coded as “unexcused” and the School District of Philadelphia’s truancy process will be followed by Parkway West High School staff.

Just because an absence note is presented does not mean that the absence(s) will be coded as excused…

Please visit the School District of Philadelphia’s Attendance page for more information.

The Administration will make the determination as to whether the note will be accepted.  Generally speaking, an absence for any of the reasons below will be considered to be and coded as excused:

CodeAbsence Reason
4Excused Early Dismissal
7Recovery from Accident
8Required Court Attendance
9Death in Family
10Educational Tours and Trips
(with Prior Approval)
11Excused Religious Holiday
13Excused Lateness
15Out of School Suspension

Reasons that fall outside of the scope of those listed above will be deemed invalid and the absence will remain coded as unexcused.